Thursday, June 26, 2014

Digital Divide/Digital Inequality


1. What did you learn about multimedia principles in creating this artifact?
This project was extremely interesting to me because it was so hands on. The week's overview video was extremely helpful. I appreciate the actual application of the tools in this assignment and having to navigate how to use them. I also enjoyed the fact that there was a great blend in media sources to create one culminating project. This helped me to envision how I intend to use multiple technologies to build assignments in my class in the future. Rather than doing a bunch of small assignments I like the idea of having portions of a project focus on using different forms of media. This assignment not only increased my exposure to these tools, but helped me to think critically.

2. What did you learn about digital divide and/or digital inequality that was new to you?
I think the biggest thing I learned in regards to digital divide and digital inequality is that the gaps that exist have massive effects in multiple aspects of life. I found it extremely interesting to think beyond the world of education. The divide that exists impacts people's abilities to do business, contribute to society, communicate globally, and can ultimately limit an individual's opportunities to succeed in life. This is because society has become extremely dependent upon technology. Therefore, if a person doesn't have access or use then they will struggle due to society's reliance on technology.

3. What do you plan to do with this knowledge in the future?
I'm far more motivated to write a grant to find a way for funding so our school site has more technological devices on campus and available for students. In addition, this assignment has me thinking about how I plan to use multiple technological tools to build and create a portfolio of assignment for my students. I want to be sure I pick meaningful tools for students to learn about. I want to be sure that they are tools that can be applied to their future careers. The tools we are using in this course now are preparing me to educate my students on the powerful things technology can do in the world when used correctly.

4. How might you change/improve this artifact if you had more time?
With more time I would have investigated all of the resources posted on the Moodle site. I was a tad overwhelmed by the number of reading options given to use for this assignment. With so many choices it was hard to narrow down the information that was most valuable. I finally had to just chose a few resources and go with them, so I guarantee there was valuable information I missed.

A minor thing I would do to improve my artifact is slow down when speaking. I realize in playing the entire presentation back that I rushed to speak in my presentation. I get excited when I speak and tend  to be very dynamic. I am learning how to speak at a more moderate pace to assure my audience can hear and understand what I am saying.


Here is the link to my Voice Thread

Here is the link to my Google presentation.

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