This week we were asked to record our own podcast using a tool called Audacity. Audacity is free that allows users to record and edit tracks that can ultimately be exported to an mp3 file. I found this task to be extremely challenging. I felt very critical of the podcast I critiqued originally, and much of my critique was based upon the lack of creativity and monotone nature of the podcast. Yet, in many ways mine falls in the same criteria. Being a first time podcast creator I lacked wisdom and experience in making an exciting podcast. I learned the importance of writing a script, slowing down my speech, and the need to plan thoroughly in order to develop a successful podcast. Below you will find a description of the podcast I recorded along with information about the podcast series to which this specific podcast would belong if more were being created.
Podcast Title: Teaching Tips
Episode Title: What is a Socratic Seminar?
Episode Link: Click here
The design of this podcast series is to offer educators “practical tips and application strategies to empower students to take ownership of their individual learning experiences.” The goal is to provide advice for helping create healthy learning environments where teachers become the facilitators of learning and students are teaching themselves and each other. I believe the podcast could be produced on a regular basis with every episode focusing on a different classroom activity where students are in charge of their learning. The podcast could include guest speakers who share testimonials or even students who can explain the power of student-driven learning environments.
I teach 9th grade English and the socratic seminar is an integral part of my class structure. This first episode of “Teaching Tips” just scratches the surface of the basic format of conducting a seminar. While the podcast is directed more towards educating teachers on how to set-up the seminar it can also be used to introduce the concept to students. I do feel the podcast was at a disadvantage because much of the content is best explained with visuals. If I were to do this outside of class I would attach some sort of multimedia presentation or instructional video to be supplemental to the podcast.
The podcast focuses on five steps for building a quality environment for a socratic seminar:
Step 1. Be sure students and the teachers all have the same understanding the objectives of a seminar.
Step 2. Be sure students have a clear understanding of expectations.
Step 3. Establish the expectations for the roles and responsibilities of the seminar.
Step 4: Understand the structure of how a seminar is formatted.
Step 5: Establish norms to create an environment that will breed a successful socratic seminar.
While I probably could have added music and sound effects, I have listened to too many podcasts that have overused audio sounds and caused more harm than good to their podcast.
AECT Standards
The standards addressed in this assignment include:
1.2 Message Design- The principles of message design were used to assure that the podcast effectively communicated content to learners.
1.3 Instructional Strategies- This standard was addressed as the instructional strategy of the socratic seminar was discussed by providing contextualization of the activity itself.
2.4 Integrated Technologies- This standard is addressed because multimedia tools were used to create instruction.
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