Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Relative Advantages of Technology for Student Engagement

Drew Hedricks wrote an article in the Huffington Post a few years back that has challenged me while simultaneously affirmed my pursuit of learning more about educational technology. Hedricks wrote of President Barak Obama’s desire to create universal preschool to aide in the pursuit of good educational for all children. Despite plan after plan that seeks to better the educational system, things only seem to become more of a struggle for schools on a day to day basis. Hedricks even acknowledges the often overlooked and misunderstood job of the teacher in KNOWING his or her students. In order to effectively teach content, educators must go beyond the walls of information and know the learning styles and abilities of all students. As a 9th grade teacher with 175 honors students, just exactly HOW am I supposed to meet the needs of all students?

The answer is simple. The first step involves embracing technology. Technology, when used correctly, allows for different levels of “specialized learning” (Hedricks, 2013). With the various apps, software, and educational programs available lessons can be developed to meet the needs of students. As Hedricks stated, technology creates a “unique education” for each student (2013). If the technology comes as the levels needed for each student the student interest will be kept. Moreover, technology requires hands-on interaction where students must control the tool to achieve the goal. Technology allows students to move at their own pace and simultaneously work collaboratively with others. 

In addition, Marketing Coordinator Ashley Wainwright of Securedge Netowkrs, a Wifi service provider, offers 5 reasons why technology is so engaging for students. These five reasons, I believe, serve as the backbone for the importance of technology integration. Reasons technology creates an interest for students include:
Technology requires active participation.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Most students are visual or kinesthetic learners and thus seeing somethings far more beneficial then listening
It speaks to their language. Students have technology, yet they simply haven’t been educated on how to use it in an academic manner. 
Offers real-life experience. As technology evolves it is becoming more and more mainstream. Therefore, having technology in the classroom is a motivator for learning in knowing that it will be used in the future. 
In depth knowledge. So many different outlets and sources of information means that technology offers endless opportunities (Wainwright). 

I believe technology plays an integral role in my classroom. However, I also see it as my responsibility to cultivate appropriate technology.

Hendricks, Drew. "A Look at Recent Findings on Technology in the Classroom." The Huffington 

Post., 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 01 Apr. 2015. 

Wainwright, Ashley. "5 Reasons Technology in the Classroom Engages Students." 5 Reasons 

Technology in the Classroom Engages Students. Securedge Networks, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015. 

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